How to do Family School and find joy in your homeschooling journey. | Family School Part 2 | Episode 75

If you've heard us talk a little bit about family school and you're interested in learning more about how you can bring this philosophy into your home, this episode is for you.

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

Angela Schwindt


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In this episode, we answer your questions about what family school includes, what are the benefits, and why we believe so strongly in this philosophy.  

We began this conversation about family schooling before the events of Covid-19 took place.  It grew organically for us out of years of working with homeschool families and conversations we've had together over the past decades. 

Now, perhaps more than ever, it is essential that we turn our focus to this way of living and learning together.

This episode is an introduction to our 5 tenets of Family School.  Listen now to learn more!


The Moms I Know, Homeschool Resources:

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