Using the tools of nonviolent communication to heal trauma and cultivate relationships of trust and respect. | Interview with Katherine Winter-Sellery | Episode 81

The subject of nonviolent communication has been one that we have long been believers in and recently we’ve been wanting to deepen our education and commitment to learning and implementing these valuable tools within our own lives.

See me beautiful, look for the best in me
That's what I really am and all I want to be
It may take some time
It may be hard to find
But see me beautiful.

See me beautiful, each and every day
Could You take a chance? Could You find a way?
To see me shining through
In everything I do
And see me beautiful.

See me beautiful, look for the best in me
That's what I really am and all I want to be
It may take some time
It may be hard to find
But see me beautiful.

See me beautiful, each and every day
Could You take a chance? Could You find a way?
To see me shining through
In everything I do
And see me beautiful.

"See Me Beautiful" by Marshall Rosenberg


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Today, we are so excited to welcome Katherine Winter-Sellery, CEO of Conscious Parenting Revolution, to the show to share with us her deep knowledge and understanding of non-violent communication and how its implementation can greatly benefit our relationships with our children, our partners, and ourselves.

Katherine shares specific tools of nonviolent communication that we can all strive to use throughout our relationships, both to heal our own trauma and to cultivate relationships of trust and respect with those around us. 

Resources From This Episode:

Katherine Winter-Sellery, Conscious Parenting Revolution:


About Katherine Winter-Sellery:

Katherine Winter-Sellery is the CEO of the Conscious Parenting Revolution and co-creator of the Guidance Approach to Parenting, a program that applies conflict-resolution skills to communicating more effectively with children and adults.

Through her popular training, she has taught thousands of parents, educators, and other professionals in a half dozen countries how to minimize misunderstandings and melt-downs, and to communicate with more collaboration, cooperation and consideration. Passionately committed to healing inter-generational dysfunction, she is the host of three TEDx talks on listening for unmet needs, unconscious communication, and speaking out, and she is the co-author of three books on unconscious parenting.

Katherine trained with the late Marshall B. Rosenberg, creator of Nonviolent Communication. She also studied Thomas Gordon’s Parent Effectiveness Training and is certified as a facilitator and as a Leadership Effectiveness Instructor. She holds certificates in Matrix Re-Imprinting, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is trained in BreakThrough, a method to address triggers, as well as Focusing, an inner relationship dialogue technique.  She is a trained mediator, and teaches breathing meditation with the Art of Living Foundation. She holds a B.A. from the University of Denver where she also attended law school. 

After more than 15 years of teaching the Guidance Approach to Parenting, Katherine founded the Conscious Parenting Revolution to help people locate and understand their own triggers, avoid family resentment developing into retaliation, rebellion and resistance.  Her desire is to support parents to create safe and stable homes and families. 

The founder and chair of the National Summit on Mental Health and Mental Fitness summer 2019, (with sponsorship by the International Association for Human Values), she brought together more than 50 scientists, politicians, mental health care providers, businesses and spiritual leaders with more than 500 attendees for a conference that looked beyond mental health treatment to holistic mental wellness. The Summit culminated in the largest-ever group meditation in the United States, when more than 7,000 people meditated together in Denver’s City Park joined by over 1 million online. 

Katherine has been married to John Sellery for more than 30 years, and together they have two children, Pia just graduated from USC and Sam is a young architect working in San Francisco. Katherine and John now make their home in several cities around the world.  She is launching her popular training online.

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