Episode 002: Our Stories

In this episode, Sheila and Maria share the stories of how they became moms and friends, as well as some of what they each encountered and learned on their own parenting journies, which has contributed to them becoming the moms they are today.

"When we share our stories, we open our hearts to allow others to share their stories. It gives us a sense that we are not alone on this journey." - Janine Shephard

Our stories are the most powerful motivator of how we identify ourselves as women, as mothers, and how we interact with others as we grow. Our stories really connect us, and as moms we all we all have a common thread. We are who we are because of our ancestors, their stories, their struggles, their joys, and whether or not we know those stories, we carry that vibration within us.

Resources From This Episode
Carolyn Myss: https://www.myss.com/
Joseph Chilton Pierce, The Magical Child: http://www.josephchiltonpearce.org/