Tackling Overwhelm and Taking Action in the Summer of 2020 | Episode 85

If you are finding yourself overwhelmed this summer and struggling to find a way to move forward, you are not alone.  This episode is full of ideas and resources to help you tackle that feeling of overwhelm so you and your family can break through the paralysis and begin to take meaningful action.

“The most beautiful realization of all was that motherhood has served as the primary vehicle for growth and transformation.  I have been both lost and found myself in motherhood.”

- Beth Berry, Motherwhelmed


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This summer, so many of the mother's we've been speaking with are feeling paralyzed by the amount of overwhelm they are experiencing in their lives.  From current events around the world, to the economic and educational decisions they are faced with making for their families, it's no wonder we're feeling weighed down and overwhelmed.

In this episode, we share some amazing resources and suggestions for how to break through these negative feelings and find ways to take action.  

As parents we know that the way we respond to these types of situations will inform how our children will respond throughout their lives as well, so it's important that we make conscious and intentional choices around these incredibly difficult and complex issues. 

We hope you find this episode helpful and if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, we would love to connect with you!

Resources From This Episode:

Beth Berry, Motherwhelmed: https://revolutionfromhome.com/the-book/

Oriah Mountain Dreamer, The Invitation: http://www.oriahmountaindreamer.com/

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