What Mamas Need to Know About Electromagnetic Fields | Interview with Wendy Myers | Episode 86

In recent years, there has been increased evidence and awareness that electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation warrant our attention if we are seeking to reduce symptoms in our bodies and optimize our overall wellness.


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For this episode, we are joined by Wendy Myers.  A heavy metals detox expert and functional diagnostic nutritionist in Los Angeles, CA, Wendy brings us lots of qualified information about the risks of EMF and EMR exposure as well as practical tips that we can easily apply to help support our own wellness.

Whether you're suffering from symptoms and haven't found success with standard medicine, or if you are already enjoying healthful living, reducing your EMF and EMR exposure has the potential to help you take your wellness to the next level.

We truly enjoyed this opportunity to meet with Wendy and hope you enjoy this episode.

Resources From This Episode:

Wendy Myers: https://myersdetox.com/ and @MyersDetox on Social Media

Coronavirus Support Series: https://coronavirussupportseries.com/

Theraprotect: https://thewellnesstrinity.com/product/theraprotect-emf-harmonizer-cell-phone-laptop-tablet-emf-shield-2-pack/

Harmoni Pendant: https://www.harmonipendant.com/

Pure Wave Mats: https://www.purewaveenergycenters.com/

Q-Link: https://www.shopqlink.com/

Morley Robbins, The Root Cause Protocol: https://therootcause.org/

Harry Massey, NES Health: https://www.neshealth.com/


About Wendy Myers

Wendy Myers is founder of MyersDetox.com. She is a heavy metals detox expert and functional diagnostic nutritionist in Los Angeles, CA. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue. Wendy hosts the Myers Detox Podcast about all things related to detox. She’s passionate about educating people on the importance of detox to live a long, disease free life. She created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol and Mitochondria Detox programs after working with thousands of clients around the world.

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