Episode 017: Focus on Birth and Postpartum Care

Sheila and Maria interview birth and postpartum doula, Ana Hernandez, and discuss the importance of caring for and nurturing a mother throughout birth and postpartum.

"Childbirth is power in its purest and most natural form. It is wild and uncontrollable and takes us on a journey of surrender. Birth is about so much more than babies being born. It is about a mother finding her inner strength at her most vulnerable and powerful moment, which begins her unique and lifelong journey of mothering that child." - Brianna Z. Kauer, midwife

In this episode, Sheila and Maria welcome their first guest, Ana Hernandez, a birth and postpartum doula, to the podcast for an honest conversation about the journey to motherhood and the birthing of a new mother, baby, and family.

Ana brings a unique perspective to the power of and importance of postpartum care especially considering the impact it can have on the future of families and society as a whole.

Special Guest: Ana Hernandez, doula (https://www.anandadoula.com)

Resources From This Episode:

Kimberly Ann Johnson, The Fourth Trimesterhttps://www.magamama.com/the-book/
Tami Lynn Kent, Mothering from your Centerhttp://www.wildfeminine.com/
Heng Ou, The First 40 Dayshttps://experiencelife.com/article/nourishing-care-for-the-postpartum-mom-an-interview-with-heng-ou/

Physiologic Postpartum Care info and trainings:
Rachelle Garcia Seliga, http://www.innatetraditions.com/
